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Mark and Linda are those whom you can really count on when it comes to profession, experience and knowledge
Dec 4, 2007
We used to think that buying and selling a house in GTA during 2007 should be quite easy until we actually went through the process, when we realized without professional work from a real estate agent things could go towards the other direction of your expectation.

Mark and Linda are those whom you can really count on when it comes to profession, experience and knowledge.

"Look for a good neighborhood, rather than just a good school." This is what Mark suggested me when we started browsing houses, and we always bear that in mind. During the process, Mark was working very hard help us researching each qualified house to see if our expectation could be satisfied. In the multiple-offer situation, his suggestion and judgment demonstrated his experience is solid and constructive. After a few months, we came across an opportunity where a very good house in a very desired area right came out to the market. Mark's strong ability of negotiation helped us finally win the deal at an ideally low price.

The next step is to sell our old house. Mark and Linda gave us a lot of valuable ideas with respect to home staging and marketing strategy. The selling process is actually more complicated than we used to think it would be. We were lucky enough to have Mark and Linda around whenever we need. They answered our questions, analyzed current market, and told us to keep confidence to attract offers. His experience and patience worked again. After a four-hour negotiation we successfully sold the house at a satisfied price.

Later, Mark and Linda even offered a great deal of effort on recommending lawyer and mortgage specialist. Today, as we look back how we could make through the entire process, we always think that without Mark and Linda's contribution, we wouldn't be able to move to this new home so smoothly. We greatly appreciate those help from the couple, as our agent, as well as our true friend.

Once again, thank you Mark and Linda, for the great work.

Youjia & GK
Posted by Gao Kang & Chen Youjia